Thursday 10 November 2011

3D Design- Inspiration from gallery visits

I visited the CUBE gallery in Manchester in order to look at work and understand the way space can be used. I found looking at the architecture work, the work was very intricate and detailed but also the designs looked modern and contemporary. We were asked to produce an outcome in response to the work we had seen at the gallery visits, after drawing ideas, i found if I drew a 3D rectangle and cut out shapes I could make the rectangle into different buildings, I looked at the way the buildings use space and create space. I began to draw my architectural study which I was inspired to do by the CUBE gallery visit. After drawing my design, I began to use pine, this wood is easy to saw and sand down and when finished creates a simplistic but attractive finish. When cutting out the wood, I began to use the glue gun to attach each piece of wood together, the glue gun worked well as it ensured my structure stayed attached.After attacching each piece of wood, I then added string to the design, this created different space between each building and showed the attachment of each building to the other.

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