Tuesday 11 October 2011

Measuring and understanding space

Exercise 1- My first exercise from 'Drawing and Measurement', I was able to make judgements on space between one object in relation to another. By arranging different plinths and a photoframe into an interesting composition, I thought about using horizontal, vertical and diagnol lines by using plinths to create these concepts. After arranging the plinths, I then added string, by adding string from the plinths to the floor, wall and other plinths I found this created different sizes of space between each plinth, by linking the corner of one plinth to another this created an obstruction and an interesting way to create space. Using tracing paper and pencil, I then began to draw paying attention to the weight, length and line of the string. After producing 2 of these fromn different angles, I then decided to pay attention to the negative space between the plinths and the string, using pencil and pen I mapped out the negative space. I did this from different angles to create different outcomes.

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