Tuesday 11 October 2011


Using a grid, I chose interesting objects and began placing objects behind it, I placed the objects at different distances behind the grid. I then bagan to draw and measure the grid on a piece of paper, once the grid was complete and accurate, I then began to place each object onto the grid on my paper using charcoal. By using a grid this ensures a clear guide to where each object is positioned. After outlining each object I then went on to include tone, texture, scale, pattern and surface in which to make the object 3D on the page and also to make sure each object was accurately lined up. I shaded and drew in black and white, by using charcoal this allowed me to show texture and also to show the shades of the objects from light shining onto them. I founds using charcoal allowed me to experiment more with different textures and if I were to make mistakes they were easy to correct. I found this project helped me to learn more about different tones and mark-making with charcoal, I found using charcoal easier and this project helped me to learn this.

 Using the photo-copier, I copied the completed drawing onto an A3 sheet. I then folded the sheet to create squares and cut into the squares ensuring the image does not cut into two pieces. After producing a long sheet off my image, I then arranged this into an interesting concept in which some of the squares could be seen and some of the squares were hidden.

 After producing this arrangement I then drew this onto a new sheet of paper, this allowed me to see images in different aspects rather than just 2D drawings. This project helped me to understand different ways to approach drawing instead of just drawing an image on a piece of paper, I learnt how to use a grid to get a more accurate image. I considered using colour although I found that charcoal created the texture and tone which I needed andby using black and white it allowed me to use shade easily.

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