Monday 3 October 2011


By using letters we had to make use of line and form, these letters could be considered in 3D, 2D, different angles, broken letters. I would then produce different compositions using the letters. I chose to use a 3D form on my first piece, by constructing the letters at angles this produced a structured composition, i chose to work in pencil and pen for this as by not using detail this became a structured line drawing which showed the letters in their 3 dimensional form. For my first design I decided to use a simple ABC design, by changing the angles of the different letters and arranging them in a perspective, I found I was thinking more about the structure of the design as a whole, different letters different ways incorporates line into the design which is helpful when designing the structure of a building or designing the interior of a house. I decided to keep the colour scheme for this design as black and white but making lines thick or thin or blocking in the letter. By thinking about line this helped me to think about the structure and perspective of a piece of art work, I will use this in my studies further on to help my designs look more 3D or realistic.

I then went on to work into my art book producing more smaller scale studies, I began working in black and white which produced some good outcomes, where i thought out space and line in the design, I then went on to work in colour and produced some small scale colour studies using different letters as opposed to A, B and C. I found by working with letters that i produced some outcomes which thought about line and proportion, this kind of drawing I was not used to, but after trying it out I found it interesting and I will carry on using the technique.

Once we had used limited materials (pen, pencil, card), I then went on to produce smaller scale studies using wallpaper, patterned paper, string and other materials, I found the studies had more variety to them as I was using more materials, although I still maintained the line and structure of the design.

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