Saturday 1 October 2011


During the first week, our next brief was 'WRAP IT UP' , we were asked to choose different objects and wrap them up in different materials which were provided. This could be done by choosing individual objects or choosing multiple objects and wrapping them in order to create a different structure. I chose a mannequin, a brush and a 3D star shape. I chose the mannequin as the arm was missing, I then thought about how I could replace this arm. By using a brush the mannequin looked irregular but creative. I then used the 3D star to add another body part onto the mannequin. After using these dissimilar objects, the piece was then wrapped up in white fabric, parcel tape and garden wire, I chose to use these materials as the idea of 'WRAP IT UP' was to create form, structure and texture, by using different materials the different textures became interesting. Also by using three disimilar objects, I managed to create one object which fitted well together. I found this task interesting in the way you could approach it, I found myself using objects I would never use in art, and I found that these objects worked to express imagination.

 After completing the wrapping, I was then asked to 'unwrap', by unwrapping my object I had to retain the quality of the materials although by unwrapping the object I found this created unique textures and marks in which the different materials had made. I then arranged these on the wall to create a composition and a pattern of different textures and materials. I found by doing this project I had more of an understanding of different materials and the marks in which they make in time.

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