Monday 3 October 2011

Combined media, fashion & textiles

On approach to the Drawing and Light section,  using a series of acetate images I had picked out, I layered them onto an overhead projector, by doing this I could see the images clearly on the wall. By using different marks, I began to produce a mark-making drawing of the images on the overhead-projector. Without focusing on the outline of the image, by using marks it allows you to draw freely and have a range of marks.

Approaching different images I then produced a different design,

After producing these two designs, I began producing a series of small studies from these images, by using string, wire, material and hot wax. By using a view finder,  I produced different studies with different materials. By doing this I was more creative in the materials I used and the way I presented them.

After making a series of small studies from my larger studies, using a soldering iron I burnt throught some of my designs, this added more depth and more interesting marks to my designs. After producing my studies, I then arranged them one by one on to an over-head projector, this transfered light through the imagery and created interesting pieces.

After producing this work, I developed a more expressive approach to my art work, by using different materials and burning it allowed me to be more creative and think about which materials work together and which materials don't work well together.

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