Saturday 1 October 2011

Induction week

As we started off our first week of our Art Foundation course, our first brief stated that we would respond in our own expressive way to music. In my own interpretation i produced a few studies of imaginative designs which stretched my imagination and allowed me to be more expressive in the way I work. I enjoyed the openness of the brief in a way which I could explore and interact with the music in my own way.

By listening to different ranges of soft and loud music, the strokes of media became thick and heavy for the loud music, and the strokes of media for softer music became much more softer toned and more intricate designs. By mixing both loud and soft music it enabled me to produce work which had mixed tones and became an intricate and expressive piece.

After producing work, we then created posters with the title 'Soundscapes the Art of Music' by selecting a section of my work and zooming in this became the central part of my poster. By creating a poster this helped me to express art in a different way, normally I approach my work in a more neater way, this allowed me to open up and realise sometimes work is more about expression and imagination.

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