Monday 5 December 2011

Circle perspects and wire design

After producing my wire structures, I decided to explore perspects and wire together, at first I began to draw three circles and looked at how wire could be added to the circles, I thought about using chicken wire although when i tryed to put it through the perspects I found the chicken wire could not go through the holes I had drilled, I then thought about using thin silver wire, I found this wire went through the holes and fitted securly, I began to draw more wire through the three circles, and thought about how the design could stand, I thought about using one of the circles as a base, although I found putting all three circles on their side worked well from a design approach. Using sand paper I then began to sand the edges of the circles making usre thedges remained straight but became smooth, I then used the buffing machine to touch up the edges of the design ensuring it looked to the best possible standard. I began to drill holes into the perspects and then began to put the wire inbetween the three circles. After making this design, I found this design could be a sculpture or an ornament for an interior, the sleek and modern style would look bold in a interior.

Second week of mapping

For the second week of mapping, we had to map the journey of our lives, by doing so we had to use different materials and different methods which were personal and individual to us. By layering my drawing I found this produced interesting marks on the paper about how my life has been planned out. By drawing and layering this showed the history of my drawing and the earlier marks that have been drawn over by more recent experiences.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Wire structures

After exploring wood to produce designs, I then looked at Jeroen Molenaara's lamp, I found the shapes in his lamp interesting in the sharpness and the different directions the shapes are going. Molenaara's lamp portrays elegance in the way some of his lamp is covered and some is not, by doing so the lamp appears more interesting and expressive. This lamp is inspiring in the way it would be a feature of an interior rather than just an object, its boldness and simplicity would add style to an interior. I then produced several sketches of different shapes and lines I could encorporate into a wire structure, I produced 15 designs. After producing these designs, I began to use line to draw a idea of the wire structure, by suing different materials and methods this allowed me to express my ideas and understand how this design could be achieved. I then chose to use a strong metal wire and bend this wire with pliars to make sure the wire achieved the best possible outcome. I then began to weld the metal together to create a design which incorporated a busy style but also a simple style with the use of just one material. Half way through i thought about making the structure higher which would make more of an impact on the style of the design, after this was achieved I had to ensure the structure was upright and secure, I then began to add straight pieces of metal inbetween the bended wire, this encountered my problem of the structure falling over, the main problems when manufacturing this structure were that the structure was not able to stand up at one point, I overcome this problem by thinking of a solution and then acting upon that solution.

After working in the sketchbook and producing some sketches of my model, I then began to use chicken wire to produce a sketch of the wire structure and to add more 3D styles to my sketchbook. After using the chicken wire, I found I could untwist the wire to create a deconstructed effect, I thought about how the chicken wire could be deconstructed from a normal shape chicken wire, I then began to make a design of chicken wire leading into an deconstrcuted effect, after making this model, I then cut out some more chicken wire and made a cylinder with the chicken wire, I then  began to deconstruct the outside and top of the cylinder, to produce a design to show how an object can be deconstructed and look completely different in composition and also in space. After producing these designs it explored my imagination and made me understand more materials which could be used further on in my designs. After producing my structures, I began to reflect on what I could do different if I were to make these again, I would wear gloves when deconstructing the chicken wire as it scratched and scraped my hands, i would also make a larger version as I believe this would produce a very interesting structure for a interior if it were to be arranged as though it was emerging from a wall.

First week of Drawing and Mapping

For the first week of mapping, we looked at real life maps to get inspiration, I looked at the detail which was within the maps, whilst maps are for us to find our ways around, there are also all kinds of maps including: Sound maps, memory maps, mapping journeys etc... for our first task we drew our own maps by using letter forms, this reminded me of the first week of college when we used letter forms to create structures. By using letters I created my own imaginary map, this included dark lines, thin lines, shapes and many curves. I produced a series of these maps which helped me to explore my imagination and create my own personal map. I drew out the maps in pen and pencil, I then photocopied these onto black paper which made them look more interesting.

After producing a design to do with curves and bends, I then decided to focus on the idea of creating a shape with blocks of wood, by drawing identically sized squares onto pine wood, using the band saw I then cut out the squares evenly, after doing so using the sanding machine I sanded the blocks down to create a smooth edge and a professional finish to the cubes.

 After producing a series of seperate blocks of wood, I then decided to arrange them and glue gun them into a structural form. I encounted some problems with attaching the wood together, although I got past the problems and I ensured the design was professional and steady. I then arranged the blocks of wood up against a corner of a wall, this created a design which could make the wall stand out.