Saturday 7 April 2012

Ways to extend the building and create an interior.

By looking at the stacked drawers I have to imagine different ways an interior could fit in with this shape. My first idea is to extend each space inbetween each drawer which would create an interior coming out of the drawers instead of just inside them.

I have measured inbetween each drawer to determine what the angle is that I would have to work with, that angle is 11 degrees. Using cardboard and a protractor to measure I have cut out these angles which I can work with on my piece, having these angles will help me to think about how the rooms could expand and what scale the piece will be.

Using paper, I have detemined where the edges of the drawers are, doing this will help me get a sense of the space I have to work with, and this template can easily be taken off and put back on.

I have just added more paper to ensure the template is secure and can be used efficiently!

By looking at the angles this has helped me to understand how my interior could extend out of the drawers although I am still looking at different concepts!

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