Sunday 29 April 2012


First thought AHH I am about to start the making process of my wooden model! Very nerveracking but exciting all the same! After thinking about the concept of building the new structure inside the drawers I have realised this will not work as well as I thought it would. By building it in the drawers this would build very well although the wooden structure would then not come out of the drawers very easily to express its own form. I have decided I will have to build it outside of the drawers without a template to work from, this will be challenging but im sure it is capable of being done and done well!

What an interesting form this makes! It could be an architectural piece on its own!
I have taken the pieces of wood out the drawers and have began to use wood glue to glue on these pieces ready to be glued together (eek!) I will leave these overnight to make sure they are fully stuck to that when I come to glue these together it will not all go disastrously wrong! I will carry on doing this now to the rest of the pieces.

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