Wednesday 2 May 2012


I know how boring it all sounds using wood and creating a structure but I hope everyone once it is made is fascinated by it! So over the past week I have been brainstroming ideas which I could possibly use in interiors for a google office and also thinking about how my design can be glued together and how the form will be portrayed but its now time to glue the pieces of my structure together! I need to make sure I have clamped these together securely and do this one at a time so it is as strong as i need it to be!

All clamped and about the start on another one to speed up the process!

After clamping together 5 different pairs I have sped up the making of my model. Overall I have come across a few problems whilst glueing together of the wood, I have found it very difficult to clamp in places as parts of the design got in the way of the clamps, also if i wasn't careful (I didnt put enough glue on one!) the pieces of wood would not glue together well, this all depended on the clamping and the amount of glue! 

 One part of my design unclamped and dry!

I have begun to build my structure, this has taken me about an hour to begin building each layer as I am waiting for them to dry as it would be a disaster if it snapped off!  (which it has done a few times!) By doing this activity I feel as though I have gained alot more knowledge about working with wood and wood glue. My teachers have both given me advice along the way in this design, I have been told to make pieces of wood to put at the end of each piece of wood which will help it to be stable and secure, this is a significant part of my design as it will help the model stay up which is a vital part!

When I look at the front of the design I want it to be neat and accurate when I measure it, which is why when I glue each piece I measure half way and make sure the middle pieces of wood are in the right place. I think my design is beggining to take form and all I need to do now is make sure I am accurate and I am clamping and leaving the glue to set for long enough.

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