Monday 28 May 2012

Spraying model white

In the middle of constructing my perspex model, I am also spraying my wooden model white, I have about 3 cans of white primer and 3 cans of white spray paint, I am firstly using sand paper to ensure the edges and surfaces are smooth,


 Just needs a few more coats of white spray paint, and then it will be finished!

   The finished structure!

This model has been an interesting structure to draw, build, measure and spray so it is basically hard work, although I feel that all my hard work has payed off! This model has been all about measurements and proportions and getting these right, if one aspect of measuring was wrong, the whole model would not work. I feel by doing the research at the start of the project it has helped me achieve an interesting structure and looking at other google offices it has helped me to think about designing an exterior differently.
   At first, I had many complications due to figuring out how this model would stand up on its own, I worked out I would have to have one middle block of wood and one end block of wood which would ensure the wooden strcuture remained stable. As I moved on to glueing, the problems didn't stop there! A few times I knocked the wood and the wood glue would begin to unstick, therefore it had to be glued on a few times and left a few hours to dry to make sure it was stable. Apart from this, my model has been very interesting to build and has allowed me to explore skills which I haven't used for a while, like measuring accuratly, spray painting, using new machinery and problem solving.
   I intended to design an office building and its interior, this is what I have achieved, although the building is not just an office building it is a cast from the inside of real-life office drawers which I found from a skip. In a few areas, I could have improved the angles at which blocks of wood were cut, although I am very happy with the way this model has turned out.
    The skills I have learnt over these past few months has allowed me to understand how to use machinery, understand different techniques which can be used, rather than just designing and interior from the office drawers just as they were, I went further and cast an office building myself and also made an interior model too. I found this challenging, although very much enjoyable to see how the brief which started with office drawers all came together and allowed me to work with wood, foam board and perspex. I will take the skills using materials and machinery when I move on to do my interior design course.

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