Friday 11 May 2012

Newly produced foam board model

I am beginning to produce a new foam board model, and I have now decided I will make this model in perpex also, by making a foam board model before a perspex, this will help me to determine the scale, proportions and think about how I want the interior to look.

So here I go, I will cut out a rectangle with the proportions of 48cm x 18cm,

I will also scale up the pieces which hold up the next level, by doing this I will have a two layer model of my drawers on a larger scale.

I have finished producing the simple parts of the model ( well I say simple, definatly not simple!) now the fun part begins, designing the interior which is what my brief is originally about! Firsly I need a sharp knife as without a sharp one the model will not be precise or accurate, I have a few ideas in my head but I have decided I will play around with these before glueing anything onto my model. I just had a thought about how two walls can be criss-crossed to produce a structure someone can walk under, the idea of the office having interesting walls which can be walked through I think would help stimulate the minds of google office workers, by having an interesting office, I believe people are more likely to want to work.

 I am now playing around with walls and thinking about the scale of the walkways by measuring the wall in the studio, as i have two layers to my design I will need to design two office rooms, and to do so I am going to play around on google sketch up.

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