Sunday 6 May 2012


Over the past week I have been very focused on the making of this difficult model, I have finally been able to glue together each piece of wood. I found a few problems, if I glue one piece onto another, because I am using mdf wood it sometimes becomes loose, even though the wood glue is strong, one layer of the mdf can come off and cause it to collapse, this has happened. Although I have overcome this problem by using my iniciative and thinking of ways around this problem, one of which is to lean the design on other objects to keep it stable whilst it drys!

now all i have to do is wait for it to dry! The making of this model has overall taken about 3-4 weeks, I have used more maths than I thought I would in this project but I suppose thats always a good thing!  I have had to measure each piece accuratly otherwise it wouldnt have worked, and a few times during the making I have got this wrong and have had to overcome that.

I find this structure very interesting in the way it forms the shape of the drawers without using the drawers as a template, and I am beggining to imagine this as the form of a building or even an interior.

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