Monday 12 March 2012

Work on the visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

I began to research ideas for my brief, it was a broad brief, I thoough about somehow using trees in my design to produce an interesting structure. After pitching an idea, i left the classroom and found some trees which I would draw to get an understanding of the way they are formed. I began to draw in my sketchbook a few interesting images using different media including pencil, acrylic, pen and magic markers I found by using pencil this worked better as i could add more detail into my designs.
     To gain an understanding of how I would put the structure together I began by using wood to produce some maquettes, firstly I cut off a pile of wooden strips which were the sam size, I then decided to glue them together using a glue gun at right angles.

 I thought this worked well, although it needed more to it, I thought about using different angles of wood to create a cube, I then cut myself some more strips of wood, although this time it was a different type, then using a glue gun built a cube.

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