Tuesday 6 March 2012

One hour, one word brief - Force

We were asked to pick a word out from a pile of words that had come from an art piece constructed by _____ I picked out the word 'Force'. I thought about using chicken wire firstly in order to force chicken wire through clay, although I tried this idea out and it didnt work. I then had an idea to use clay in my hands, I thought about forcing clay through the cracks of my hands, I began to force small bits of clay through my hand, I found this cretaed an interesting form, I did this on 5 pieces of clay forcing the clay on different parts of hands. I thought about using different body parts, although I thought by using only my hand they would all link well together. I then fired the clay and these were the outcomes

I found this method of art interesting but also quick, by producing these I developed my skills of working quickly with different materials, by being given a set time limit I found this helped my ideas flow and I liked the change from one long running project to a short term project.
       After using clay, I thought about using wire to push into the cracks of the structures I had already made, firstly I decided to try chicken wire, after trying to push this and make interesting shapes I found this wasn't the best material for what I needed to produce, I then found some wire mesh, I began to push this into my sculptures, this worked well and produced creative transfers from my clay models.

Whilst I was pressing the wire mesh into the clay, my teacher gave me some advice to ensure I squash the wire mesh onto the clay to its full potential, as I was not making the transfer as visible as possible, I feel by the teacher giving me advice this was benefitial to the finished objects.

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