Wednesday 21 March 2012

Idea 2 - Interior Design Office Space

By building and designing a unique interior it will be challenging but exciting. I have decided on a idea of working with office space as this is something new to me and I like a challenge! My tutors both explained to me how interior designers usually design for a existing building rather than from scratch. I am beggining to think about how I can create a building by using another existing object.
I went home and printed off some pictures of bike wheels and wires which i thought about painting over with white which would form a base for an interior. A few other objects I thought about using were a sink, fridge, toilet and some picture frames. These items will all form a base which will be suitable for an interior.

My teachers advice about designing an interior was helpful and has helped me to move my ideas forward. They have also recommened to record my ideas on photgraphs and by drawing which I will do during the course of the final major project.

1 comment:

  1. Interior design of office space is challenging job,the course gives the basic idea but at practical field the designer exercise mind for the best.
