Monday 19 March 2012

Idea 1- Occupying space

I want to explore how a space can be used in the workshop, I am thinking about different ideas including using the weather as a starting point and producing perspex shapes which could be square, triangle or circle etc.. coming down from the ceiling and having a material on the floor which is rising from the floor, which would suggest a puddle of water and a splash. By designing different concepts for this I understand the difficulty but I am prepared for a challenge! I have now began thinking about how objects can appear to come out of the wall and expand to occupy a space. I began to cut cubes out of foam on the band saw, when all my cubes had been cut, I began to arrange them as it they were pilled up against the wall, I thought about having hundreds and building them upwards as if they could float, I thought about how string could come in use to hold some of the cubes up. This idea is interesting in he sense of thinking about how something can expand to fill a space.

I have arranged these blocks to suggest how they could be arranged so they would expand upwards instead of out straight away, my teacher suggests I arranged them in different situations to see which outcome is the best. I found this has helped me to arrange my cubes in different forms and to think outside the box.

I then am thinking about how my cubes would form if they were to be arranged round a plinth and if that plinth was took away what form would I be left with.

After arranging the blocks I took away the plinth very carefully.

I am left with a structure which looks as though it used to be around a corner, this works well and I could imagine the space around the workshop being filled with different forms like this.


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