Wednesday 14 March 2012

Evaluation of interview at Salford University

When I arrived at the interview, I was asked to leave my portfolio and sketchbooks to be looked at by the course tutors, I then was called back in for a formal interview. I was asked to explain about my background and how the art foundation course was going so far, I explained that I have a passion for Inerior Design and I feel like the art foundation course has been very beneficial, and I have learnt a high amount whilst studying art foundation. I was then asked to talk about my portfolio and different projects which I have done. I talked about usng different materials to create structures, looking at aspects of Interior Design and Architecture, mapping classes, life-drawing and how these methods have been beneficial. I also explained how when i started the course I did not know how to use Google Sketch Up, I found by using this program this allowed me to explore interiors more intricate, and it alowed me to think about and work with space. The tutor gave me some feedback saying he loved my work and my portfolio was of a high standard, although in the course I would need to be more experimental but he thought I would be able to be more experimental easily. I got given a conditional offer and I am very happy with the result.

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