Monday 5 March 2012

the making of the finished model

This project began from my inspiration from the CUBE art Gallery, if I could make a model which could possibly live up to the CUBE gallery designs I would be grateful. After designing the outside of the building and having a definate design, I began the making process of my model. I started by flattening the two panels to make the front, I then measured and drew out my design onto a piece of wood, by darwing out where the windows are, this helped me to quickly cut out four panels for two buildings on the band saw. When I had my definate shapes, I began to use a smaller band saw to cut out the windows and ensure they were straight. When I had my shapes, I then started to sand these down to create a smooth surface, this took a while as I had to ensure the pieces were smooth and the right shape.

After this stage, I needed to add window material rather than just having an empty window, I found by putting laminated material on the inside of the wood, this didnt look as realistic, I then decided to cut down the middle of the wood to ensure the laminated material would slide inside the wood and look appealing and realistic, once this had been done, I began to use wood glue to glue the laminate on the inside of the wood. I did this on all four pieces and I found they were starting to look more realistic as a part of a building.

I then had to thinking about what angle these would have to be sanded down at on the edges to ensure the building would be a triangle at the front, I would ahve to sand the edges down of the four panels on one side at 90 degrees. Therefore when both sides were done, the panels could be paired up and glued together using wood glue.
After the panels on one building had been glued together at a 90 degree angle.
I found so far the building was going well, I then found i needed to make a floor for my buildings interior before putting panels on the back of the model, I began to measure how big the floor would have to be to fit in the model, after I had measured a piece of wood, I cut it out on the band saw, by using the sand paper i created smoother edges on the floor piece, after this by using wood glue and clamps i glued this onto my design to ensure it was sturdy. I then found I hit a problem as I had to figure out how I would do the back of the building. I found by investigating and analysing, I would have to do this in two panels of wood, one panel would be for the top of the back, and the other panel would be for the bottom of the back where it formed a triangle at the bottom. I began to line up a piece of wood to determine the width and the length of one of the panels, by using a smaller band saw I carefully cut out the panel of wood, when I lined this up it almost was the right shape, after sanding and smoothing it down it became the right size for my design, the wood glue and clamps ensured the design was secure.

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